
How to prepare for a photo shooting!

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     We told you we had a little collaboration with Dana from Fashion as I love it, where she did our make up (she attended in Bucharest a make up course) and we shot an outfit post all three of us which you might have seen in our previous post. Here are some photos of how we prepared for the shooting, plus we made a little video as well! I edited it in Sony Movie Studio Platinum which is one of the best ones, but I wanted to keep it simple, without any effects! I think it turned out to be really good, but I am still not impressed with the size of the image on Youtube. I think I have to save it differently when making the video because firstly I tried saving it at HD  but who wants to have a 10 GB video of 1 minute on their drive? Anyway, hope you like it!

PS: If you are living currently in Targu Mures, do not hesitate to come to the next MMDSZ Party entitled Hookers and Truck Drivers! See you there!

Have an amazing week!
Saci & Kinga

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  1. Your makeup is done so professionally and beautifully!

  2. nice make up. I want my make up done to by someone sometimes.


  3. very nice make up, I like that one on short hair girl

  4. Cool! :D

    Fashion As I Love It by Dana Oprea

  5. Gorgeous post!


  6. Mi-a placut la nebunie postarea, aveti mereu poze de calitate si voi sunteti asa simpatice!!!
    Vaaaai, cum arata paleta aia de farduri, a fost folosita, nu gluma!

    V-am urmarit in ultimul timp, dar nu am avut timp sa va las si comentarii, dragele mele.
    Pupici mulți

    Vă astept si la mine pe blog, am multe postari noi: http://ebonyvintage.blogspot.com/

  7. Love your make up! Pretty girls! Thank you for stopping by!

    Come back soon to visit me on The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

    Evi xoxo

  8. Me ha encantado vuestro blog muchísimo asi que os sigo, seguid así chicas :)
    Un beso desde http://elsecretodejadekinomoto.blogspot.com.es/

  9. ♥ NB! I've changed my blog's link! Before I was 'makeupbyoksana', but from now on, I'm 'oxanamua' (which means makeup artist).
    That's why my previous bloglovin page doesn't work anymore.
    ♥ So, please, follow me on my new one to keep reading me - http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/11293103

    ♥ Oksana
    www.oxanamua.blogspot.com {new post >> october/november favourites}
