
{ A million questions }


H&M jeans
Zara shoes


     I honestly don't understand how people have time to post daily. We can barely keep up with three in one week and there are two of us. Blogging is fun and everything up until you don't have a post to upload. A few months ago we decided we will stick to write 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and today we woke up with nothing to post about and such an ugly weather.
     It is so freaking frustrating. How do others have the time? I think most of the bloggers who can post regularly, or even daily have no jobs or have jobs that take up so little of their time, And I am not talking about full-time blogging. Which reminds me of another thing I don't understand. How can someone pay their bills by posing on their blog? I truly believe fashion and lifestyle blogging is NOT a job. It cannot be. How can someone's life only revolve around posing for a blog? Don't get me wrong, fashion is so important and everything.. If you are a designer, photographer, sure that is something to hold on to and meaningful. Or being a stylist, yes, that might be a great job also, But blogging? Honestly? What is your main goal? To influence others? In this snob world, I am not even sure that is possible. 
     Anyway, you might know we are studying to become doctors. I am in my third year which is so freaking exhausting. I have to run around the city, because I have all my classes in different places, different hospitals. So when I get home, all I want is to snuggle up in bed with my blanket and watch my series (Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, Awkward, Bones, New Girl, Revenge, The Mindy Project ... ).

I really hope we will get a better weather this weekend, so we can take some extra photos for you guys!

Have an amazing weekend!

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  1. Omg, coafura ta imi aminteste de un persoanj din filmele vechi, arata super <3<3<3
    Si noua ne e destul de greu uneori sa postam o data la doua zile cum ne-am obisnuit, in majoritatea timpului Dorina posteaza dupa miezul noptii, iar eu apuc sa citesc postarea abia a doua zi :))
    Noi de obicei avem mai multe postari pe care am vrea sa le punem si ne e greu sa alegem ce sa postam prima data, deci suntem cam intarziate uneori, dar ne descurcam in final cumva :D

  2. Da, mi-a luat-o Cristina inainte :)) Coafura ta pare de englezoaica din filmele vechi :)
    In ultimele doua-trei luni am postat aproape zilnic sau la doua zile, dar e foarte greu. Numai eu stiu de cate ori m-m privat de somn ca sa termin de editat o postare sau sa editez niste poze. Oricum, imi place sa fac asta, nu ma obliga nimeni si nici nu ma plateste nimeni, o fac din placere.
    Cand eram la facultate/ master era mult mai greu, asa ca te inteleg ca nu ai timp. Mai ales ca voi sunteti la o facultate foarte grea si solicitanta. O sa vedeti dupa ce terminati ce usurare o sa simtiti :))
    Nu mi se pare un lucru rau sa traiesti din blogging, eu mi-as dori mult asta, insa deocamdata e foarte greu in Romania. De ce sa nu faci ceea ce adori si sa castigi bani din asta? Pentru mine clar e un dream job blogging-ul si simt ca daca m-as ocupa doar de blog as putea sa il aduc la un alt nivel. Am foarte multe idei pe care as vrea sa le pun in aplicare, insa eu si Cristina avem programe diferite, foarte putin timp liber si cam tot ceea ce facem (poze si proiecte) trebuie sa facem in weekend si in timpul saptamanii doar sa postam.
    Oricum,speram ca lucrurile sa se schimbe pe viitor si la noi.
    Keep up the good work! Va pup! Weekend superb va doresc!

  3. I try to post three times a week and it can be tough at times. I love blogging but look at it as a hobby. You're right, there is more to life than fashion, but fashion is a lot of fun :) Great post, love that coat.


  4. Iti vine foarte bine nuanta de fuchsia a paltonasului, imi place intregul look!
    M-am regasit in fiecare cuvintel din cadrul postarii tale! Exceptand, fireste, partea cu studiile si cu medicina! La mine, partea aceea e inlocuita de faptul ca am un job full-time pentru care trebuie sa lucrez si acasa, o fiica si un sot ce merita toata dragostea si atentia din lume! Cum bine ai spus: it's frustrating! :)) Citind, mi-am regasit toate intrebarile si framantarile - e ca si cum eu mi-as fi spus oful! Pana la urma, ordinea prioritatilor (uneori in continua schimbare) si... cu asta, basta!

    Te pup, Saci! :)
    Lavender Thoughts

  5. I love your coat! Great choice!


  6. very, very nice! :)


  7. ohh the coat! Im inlove with your coat <3

    Anyway dear, i am inviting you to join my giveaway here
    Visit my blog: www.sarahrizaga.blogspot.com

  8. The coat is great for grey weather, love how vibrant it is, you look great!
    Lake&Moon Fall capsule wardrobe

  9. Ce tinuta frumoasa! Paltonul e absolut superb :)

    Va invit sa va inscrieti la giveaway-ul de pe blogul meu:


  10. ce imi place paltonul ! si big like pentru mixul cu sandale! cool!

  11. Great outfit!

    Happy weekend doll
    Keep in touch
    xx isa | Stoer & Sexy

  12. Great coat
    Would you like to follow each other ?
    I'll follow back after it


  13. Beautiful look, I can relate with you about blogging. A few people are lucky to live off blogging by advertising. I consider it as a hubby!!

  14. Wonderful look! That jacket is beautiful

    Made in Mauve

  15. I am definitely inclined to agree with you, my blog is my hobby and I love when people stop by and read it and comment on what they like and observe. I couldnt do it as a job, a full-time job. Im too busy graduating this semester and going to law school.

  16. Outfitul tau e minunat! Imi place la nebunie!
    Eu ma incadrez in categoria persoanelor care posteaza (aproape) zilnic si care are si un job full time. ;))
    Am atatea idei incat mi-e ciuda ca nu pot sa postez si mai des. Imi place foarte mult ceea ce fac asa ca prefer sa renunt la cateva ore de somn si sa ma ocup de postari. ;))

  17. Love the coat! Love wearing bright colors on the rainy weather too, just to cheer me up :)


  18. I completely understand! I have a full time job and try to maintain my private life while posting three times a week. It's tough, because blogging is very time consuming. Funny you talk about that topic as I just posted tips about getting more productive with posts and how I cut corners. I love the casual chic look you chose and that bright coat certainly makes a statement.
    Red Reticule

  19. You look amazing in that pink coat!:)


  20. Love the outerwear it's really classy and very pretty (: x


  21. That pink coat looks so pretty on you! xo Hannah

    p.s. I am holding a giveaway for a cozy aztec cardigan over on my blog if you'd like to join here:

  22. el abrigo es precioso!

    Te espero en : Un Rincón Para Mis Botas blog

  23. Ce poate fi mai placut decat o astfel de culoare vibranta intr-o zi ploioasa?
    Ador combinatia pentru o zi de toamna, pupici!

  24. woa i like so much the color of your coat you shine ;)

  25. I love this urban chic style. You look so beautiful, lady :)

    Lu | www.balgarka.co.uk

  26. I totally understand you, I try so hard to post 3 times a week and that's now, wait for Winter to come, I don't know how I'll manage to do it. I am not working now and honestly I don't know how I'll keep up with everything, maybe I'll be more efficient, I really hope so. I believe that is important to find something you love and make it your job, if blogging is that job, why not? I think a blogger could do so many things, given the right opportunities, I would love to work as a full time blogger, at least for now. I know this can't be a lifetime job but I would love to make it my job while investing in my other passion, psychology.

    About the outfit, I love this coat, I have it and can't wait wait to wear it again, it gives any outfit a happy touch!

    1. Thanks! yes, well this is a really though topic for me. You pointed it out perfectly, it can't be a lifetime job. That is what I really think. Sure, it can help in a lot of situations, and while searching for a better path or you are studying or while investing in something bigger or anything, it can be a great source of income. But because I had the opportunity to meet you and talk about other bloggers, I think you can feel what I really want to say, how I feel others don't look at the bigger picture, how others only live for today and so on... How some of the bloggers went to University without even knowing when they graduated, and how blogging is literally the only thing they can do ...

  27. Hey Saci! I hope you'll read this :) I remember a while back, you expressed your confusion about making a living by being a blogger, and I remember wondering about the same thing. Then I read in an Elle article, that some blogs became a true brand of their own, and people read them like magazines, and they liked them for their personalized feeling. So I guess big brands caught up on that and it became a great source for advertisement. The article said that some bloggers were paid 2ooo dollars, just to post a picture of themselfs waring their clothes or accessories. It's pretty crazy, but it's possible.

    1. hey! thanks for the comment. Yes, I know it is possible, I know some people who are making a living out of it. For me it's hard to understand how someone would only want that from life. I really don't want to sound rude, but I think it is a bit shallow to only live for fashion and for showing yourself to others. I think life has so much more to offer... But then again, not all of us are built the same, not all of us can change the world, and yes, if someone got really well known this way, and before he or she didn't have a clue of what they wanted or maybe they earned way less, this might be a great escape... Anyway, this is such a sensible discussion ...

  28. that pink color is so great! It brings so much life to the oufit, love it! :)

  29. And talking about the blog, I try to be regular but with the university is really hard and for me my studies are at the first place. I believe that there are people who can survive with the blogger, but they are very popular. You see, if your blog is really really popular you start getting a lot of free clothes (that you can sell if you don't like, more money for you), beauty products, etc.. then you are invited to go to some events and they pay everything for you.. and you become an it girl or something like that, then you start doing interviews, photoshoots for magazine, brands and you receive money for that. But at the bigginning for those who have this "amazing"things it's more than a full time job because they need to be regular, and they have to spent 3 times more that they spent posting doing publicity, shares, comments, etc.. after that it's easier I guess :)
