
Kinga recommends: My hair care rutine!


      Hello my dear readers! It's been so long since I made a proper post! I've been busy with life and Uni! But today I'll talk about my hair care, since it has changed a bit in the last three months! My hair never felt better and also I have changed my hairstyle a bit, I went a little short with my bob and I just love it! If you follow my Instagram account you might have noticed it. So I'll talk about some old and new fave hair care stuff. 


     So first, my all-time favorite and newly discovered (in February) shampoos from Kerastase and Toni&Guy! I had a really bad dandruff situation, maybe the change of scenery or the accumulated bad hair care decisions. I had this problem in the past and tried out everything. Nizoral Shampoo worked for a while until it didn't, I even tried out oral medication and it didn't work. So now I decided to invest in my shampoos. Fist I tried Kerastase Bain Exfoliant Purifiant which is a purifying shampoo for dandruff. I saw and felt the benefits from the first application! It was a miracle worker!
     After that I saw that DM had an offer on the Toni&Guy Men Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and conditioner and I was hooked! It's a cheaper version of the Kerastase and without the purifying beads. I also LOOOOVE the smell of it , as for all their products. So now I use the Kerastase once a week and the Toni&Guy twice a week and my scaple never felt better. 


     An oldie but goldie is the Syoss Heat-Protect Styling-Spray which I have used for more then two years now and is the best heat protectant that I have tried out till now. I use it after I wash,towel dry my hair and before using any heat on it.
     The next product that I like to spray on my damp hair is the Aussie Miracle Recharge Frizz Remedy. It's a new discovery, I love that it's nourishing and de-frizzing at the same time. And the smell, ohh boy!


     Another oldie but goldie is the Syoss Volume Hairspray, I really like it . It holds the curl and any other hairstyle as well. The Schwarzkopf Gliss Daily Oil Elixer I use it when my hair is really dry and I want to nourish it. It's also very good for the split ends. I use it after towel drying my hair at the end of the hair and blow dry it after.
     Another new product is the Toni&Guy Sea Salt Texturising Spray and it really does what is says! I use it after I towell dryed my hair and if I want beachy waves I use the hair dryer diffuser. It has an amazing smell!


     The only two hair brushes I use are the round brush for giving it volume while blow drying it and the teaser brush .
   Another Toni&Guy product is the Volume Plumping Whip, I massage onto my scalp and use a round brush to intensify the look. It has an amazing smell and I love that it gives the roots of my hair that volume I need!

If you liked these type of posts or if you would like to hear about some more favourites of mine  please leave me a comment!

Have an amazing weekend!

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  1. Nu ma pieptăn ever:))) Foarte draguț sa împărțiți cu noi micile voastre trucuri pentru par!
    Sunteți 2 fete de admirat din atât de multe motive!! O zi faina:*

  2. Si eu foloses acel heat protector de la Syoss, dar asta doar cand am parul uscat si vrea sa il ondulez sau ceva pt ca am vazut ca parca si fixeaza in acelasi timp.<3

    Julia | juliahasch.com

  3. great post! fantasic products!


  4. I also like Kerastase products :) great post dear :)


  5. Hair care is very important! Great post! :)


  6. Ah I love hair products

    http://petitemaisonoffashion.blogspot.com/ ♥

  7. Since I cut my hair I am looking for a new routine. Those products sound really nice so I'll probably will try some of them out :D Thanks<3



  8. Wonderful products. ^^
    New post is online...

  9. Great products ;).

  10. I spy Gliss! I have that one, works wonders :)

  11. Aw, such a lovely products! I love your blog, we can follow each other if you want?



  12. Some of these products are sold in my city, I have curiosity to try Syoss and oil elixir!


  13. In DM la noi nu am vazut produsele Toni&Guy, o sa le caut si eu. Si noi avem vesnica problema cu matreata, poate ne e si noua bun. Multumim de recomandari :)

  14. I love your recommendations! Of course, it's easy to those now, seeing how lusciously healthy your hair is. At any rate, I can attest to the working wonders of some of the products you use, Kinga. Thanks for sharing! Stay gorgeous! :)

    Collene Puterbaugh @ Baja Hair Center
