how to spend three days in praguekavasisistersontheroadpraguetraveltripweekend getaway in praguewhat to see in prague
{ Travel diary: Prague, day 3 }
The first two days we spent in different places, because the main goal of this trip was actually Kinga attending a Curaprox workshop, that is why you couldn't see photos of her up until now. She was brushing her teeth and others teeth for hours, hehe. But she said it was a really fun event, so if you are studying to become a dentist, check out these workshops, they are a lot of fun. Kinga got to meet so many great people and had a blast.
But still, she invited me to Prague with her so that we can spend some time together also, so the third day I just showed Kinga the most amazing places that I have discovered in two days. So nothing new for you guys, sorry!
Still, we have more tips for you guys! First of all, if your bus is leaving later on, and you have to check out 'til noon from the hotel, you can simply just wake up early, have a little breakfast, pack your things, go straight to the bus station and leave your things there. For only 2 euros you can leave your luggage for a day, and it is 10 minutes from the Old Town Square. Honestly, it was a great idea because after three days of walking around we were so tired. Kinga left her stuff in the hotel and she was kinda pissed at us, haha.
If you have no idea what hotel to stay in, I recommend you Barcelo Praha Five Hotel. It is a bit far from the city centre but it's near the Andel metro station, from where you can get in the centre. The price is really OK, me and my friend payed less than 200 euros for three nights (that is together). The breakfast was delicious, you have to try out the bacon (Kinga loved it!). One minor downside, they don't have shampoo, conditioner and body wash separately. You might think, why is that a problem? Well, I didn't pack my shampoo and conditioner and my hair looked like a mess after washing it. I literally used half of my hair oil just to make it look normal. So note to self: pack the damn conditioner!
Thank you all for the sweet comments you wrote to us on the previous posts, it meant a lot to us because these kind of posts take way longer time to do. Not only selecting through the 1000 photos, but because we show you more photos, we have to import more html codes, and of course we want to tell you everything you need to know before leaving to this amazing city. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and see you next week with the OOTD posts!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Saci & Kinga
Beautiful post, i'm itching for some travel. Do you have a professional photographer taking your photos, there gorgeous!
RăspundețiȘtergereChiar voiam sa intreb de ce Kinga nu apare in poze :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCu aceste postari chiar m-ati facut sa imi doresc sa vizitez Praga in viitor :)
Va pup :*
this is beautiful
I love Prague, hope to visit it again! Beautiful photos :) Love your outfits, so chic!
wow super pics and look!
RăspundețiȘtergereGreat sneakers! I love the neon touches
RăspundețiȘtergerexoxo, ♥
Love this look💜💜😜👍
Love this look💜💜😜👍
Prague is a beautiful city!
RăspundețiȘtergerei love your sneakers girls!
Ce oras frumos! Mi-ar placea sa il vizitez intr-o zi. <3
RăspundețiȘtergereTrebuie sa subliniez ca imi plac la nebunie tinutele voastre! :)
great photos :*
Very nice look ;))
Prague is amazing!
RăspundețiȘtergereNameless Fashion Blog
Gorgeous photos and beautiful looks! I love your bags :)
beautiful pictures!!! yours looks are wonderful!!! :)
great photos and outfits for traveling!!
Great photos ^^
RăspundețiȘtergereUn saludo!
Great photos!
Such a lovely post!! Beautiful pictures! Prague is an amazing city, I've been there 2 times :) I'm your new follower, xoxo
RăspundețiȘtergereI adore Prague! These pictures are really wonderful!
what a neat city! I love both your bright colored sneakers!
Praga must be an amazing city <3
RăspundețiȘtergereThe Cutielicious
Love your look *_* So amazing :)
I love Prague! Beautiful pics and great outfits :)
RăspundețiȘtergereBeautiful photos! I would love to go to Prague one day!
Both of you are carrying lovely handbags! And what a place man!
RăspundețiȘtergereJenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!
Amazing photos! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereWow, what amazing architecture! That clock! And your travel outfits are amazing. Love that you make comfy sneakers so stylish.
Oh goodness, the place looks amazing!! I really need to visit Prague soon! :D