
Best self tanning products!


EN: This summer I didn't really have the chance to stay at the pool,  it was raining when I had free time or I had a lot of things to do when it was sunny. So I had to do something about my pale skin, that's when I tried these self tanning product from Vita Liberata, I used some self tanning product many years ago, but didn't really get along with them. I've been using these products ever since receiving them, got them in May.
   Before using any self-tanning products your skin must be exfoliated really good. Why? Because that's when your self tanner will apply flawlessly and look like you've been by the see side. You can also use their Super Fine Skin Polish- Moisturising Exfoliator , I used a home made scrub. All you need for your home made scrub is: honey and coffee grounds, you mix them really good and ready for usage!

RO: Vara aceasta nu prea am avut ocazia sa stau la piscina sa ma bronzez, ploua cand aveam timp liber si eram ocupata cand era vreme buna. Asa dar trebuia sa fac ceva sa am o pliele bronzata, asa ca am apelat la produsele autobronzante de la Vita Liberata. Am utilizat produse similare in trecut dar nu m-am impacat cu ele. De cand le-am primit,in Mai, le folosesc incontinu.
   Inainte de a folosi produsele autobronzante pielea trebuie sa fie exfoliata bine. De ce? Deoarece numai asa se va intinde produsul uniform pe piele si va arata de parca ai fost la mare. Poti folosi pentru exfoliere Super Fine Skin Polish- Moisturising Exfoliator , dar eu mi-am facut un scrub acasa. Am folosit pentru acest scrub: miere si zat de cafea, le amesteci bine dupa care le poti aplica pe fata.


Vita Liberata Marula Self Tan Dry Oil SPF50

The world's only self tan with SPF 50 broad spectrum protection. This luxurious self tanning dry oil applies with a subtle tint for an instant colour boost and no missed spots. Gives a gradual tan for up to 10 days with buildable colour so you can choose your perfect tan shade. Unique macro molecule chemical SPF won’t penetrate the skin layers while anti age extracts repair and nourish skin. '

EN:I really like this product, because it's a multi purpose product, it gives you a tan, it protects you from the sun and it nourishes the skin, what can a girl want more ? 
I like using it at night before I go to bed, massage it into my skin really good. You should pay attention to your elbows, knees, feet and hands, the product has the tendency to accumulate in the wrinkles and to dry skin. I usually take a cloth or paper towel and remove the excess. If you apply it with your bare hands wash them really good after applying the tanning oil. 
   For an optimum tanning result wait 8 hours and than rinse it off. If you use it as a sun protection, apply it 15 minutes prier to sun exposure and reapply every 2 ours.
   For me the tan usually lasts up to a week, but if you want to achieve a darker tone you can by using the product twice a week.
   Their products are non-toxic, paraben, perfum, silicones, sulphates, petrochemicals  and alcohol free. 
    The Marula dry oil is $54.00/ 180.00 Lei, you can buy it in Sephora or on their site

RO: Imi place foarte mult acest produs, deoarece este unul pentru mai mute scopuri: iti da un bronz natural, te protejeaza impotriva razelor solare nocive si iti hraneste pielea.
Imi place sa il folosesc seara inainte de culcare, il masez bine in piele cu miscari circulare. Trebuie sa ai grija in zona cotului, genunchiului ,picioarelor si mainilor, produsul are tendinta de a se acumula in ridurile pielii si de pielea uscata. De obicei iau un prosop sau prosop de hartie  si indepartez excesul. Daca aplici produsul cu mainile e bine sa te speli bine dupa aplicarea produsului. 
   Pentru un rezultat optim asteapta cel puti 8 ore si spala produsul de pe piele. Daca il folosesti ca un protector solar aplica produsul cu 15 minute inaintea expunerii solare si reaplica dupa fiecare 2 ore.
   Pentru mine rezultatul acestui produs dureaza o saptamana, dar daca vrei sa obtii un bronz mai profund aplica de doua ori pe saptamana.
  Produsele lor sunt non-toxice, fara paraben, parfum ,silicon, suphates, produse petrochimice si fara alcool.
    Uleiul de la Marula costa $54.00/ 180.00 Lei si poate fi cumparat de la Sephora sau de pe siteul lor.


Vita Liberata Self Tanning Gradual Lotion with Marula Oil

2in1 tanner - acts as an everyday body moisturiser. Zero transfer onto clothing for the most subtle tanning experience. Boosts your pHenomenal self tan, making sure you get the most out of i,Contains Odour Remove for zero smell, Certified organic botanicals and Moisture Locking System guarantee a perfect fade back to nothing Rated ‘0' by Think Dirty. The independent Think Dirty rating system gives a simple overview of the health impacts associated with products and their ingredients on a scale from 0 – 10, 0 being the best (cleanest) and 10 being the worst (dirtiest). It contains: Raspberry - repairs, conditions and moisturises the skin, Ginkgo Biloba - an anti-oxidant that stimulates and firms skin, Licorice - contains powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory properties'

EN: This lotion also contains Marula oil, I like using this product in between the usage of the other one. So I use the Marula oil on Saturday night, I will apply the self tanning lotion on Tuesday and on Friday, so that it the tan won't faid. The instruction say that it needs 4-8 ours for developing but I keep in on all day long. As the other product,take care of the elbows, knees, feet and hands and wash your hands after applying. 
   Love that it dose not have any scent at all and it gives the skin a natural tan color. It also doesn't stain your clothes.
   This Self Tanning Gradual Lotion costs $30.00/87.00 Lei, you can buy it in Sephora or on their site

RO: Lotiunea aceasta contine de asemenea ulei de Marula, imi place sa il folosesc in timp ce utilizez celalalt produs. Deci folosesc uleiul de Marula de obicei duminica seara si voi utiliza lotiunea marti si vineri, pentru a mentine intensitatea bronzului. Instructiunile de utilizare indica mentineare produsului pe piele intre 4 si 8 ore pentru a se obtine bronzul dar eu de obicel tin mai mult. Ca si celelat produs ai grije in zona cotului, genunchiului, picioarelor si mainilor si spala-te pe maini dupa utilizare.
   Imi place mult ca nu are nici un miros si ofera un bronz natural. Cel mai misto e ca nu pateaza hainele!
   Aceasta lotiunea costa $30.00/87.00 Lei si poate fi cumparata Sephora sau pe siteul lor


EN:You can read our full review about the Vita Liberata Trystal Minerals here.
I highly recommend these product to everybody. Really want to try some more of their products.
Have you tried any of their products, can you recommend me any?

RO: Poti citi un full review despre  Vita Liberata Trystal Minerals in linkul acesta. 
Pot recomanda cu caldura aceste produse si chiar vreau sa mai incerc altele de la ei.
Ati folosit ceva produse de la ei, iar daca da pe care imi recomandati?

Have a lovely day!

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  1. Lovely post dear
    I wish you a happy week! <3
    x Isabelle | Outfit Van De Dag.be

  2. Thanks for sharing this post with us! :)

  3. Amazing post

    Love Vikee

  4. Never tried them! I'll make sure to add them to my wish list <3

    Take care,
    Rizuna from A Well-dressed Nerd

    PS: don't forget to check this out >> Na-Ra Hayley

  5. Thanks for sharing! I've added these to my wishlist!

    Sophie x


  6. Excellent these products!!!!


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