
{ Prom }

     First of all, this is a really special post, not only because it includes my prom outfit, but also it is our 100th post ever! Thank you for everything, honestly we think during this time (almost a year) we developed our sense of style and our fashion knowledge as well, all thanks to this. 
     Secondly, you might have figured it out that I am the kind of girl who loves to make everything really special, that is why I chose this dress, the shoes, the accessories and I chose to go to the prom with a limo. In Romania this is really weird, a lot of my classmates and shoolmates find this an exaggeration, that is why they think of me as a spoiled girl. But I just wanna have fun, enjoy all the opportunities life gives me and make every second worth living!!! 
     Initially I wanted to post my graduation photos first, than the outfit I chose to wear for lunch and only after that my prom outfit, but the 100th post has to be something worth remembering!And besides that, I don't have the pictures from my graduation and lunch yet. Can you believe it? All this in one day ... Three amazing outfits.Stay tuned for more! :)

Hope you had an amazing weekend!

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  1. You look more than just amazing! Heavenly :)


  2. you look just like a princess!
    your hair matches the dress really well, really beautiful!
    funny I just did my 100 post today too ;)
    my prom was really small, in Luxembourg there is not such a big thing as in America or so, but we had a nice time under friends back then:)

    xx claude

  3. Oh My Gosh! These pictures are so wonderful, I'm out of breath...Your choices of dress, accessories and everything else is just perfect! This totally is a remembering 100th post :)
    I was lucky to had a prom too at my school but I wouldn't wear the dress a second time if I take a look at the pictures now haha but I think your dress will survive serveral decades! STUNNING

    love, Joana

  4. What a striking look for prom! I just love the gold bodice and accessories, and your hair looks wonderful up. Seriously beautiful pictures!

  5. your dress is amazing. I want to show my dress on my blog, but I had my prom in January. But I will post pictures of it anyway. But your is stunning. I am happy that you've choosen a long one. In my country girls try to look sexy, even if you can see their butt because the skirt is so short. I had serious problems to find my dream dress. Have you seen Keira Knightly in Atonement? The famous green long dress? Mine looked familiar.

  6. awwwwwwwww congrats sweetie! you looked gorgeous, and that dress is stunning!
    hope you had amazing time!

  7. Foarte frumoasa rochia! Arati minunat! Sper ca te-ai distrat pe cinste. :)

    P.S: Organizez un concurs pe blogul meu. Te invit sa te inscrii.

  8. so very pretty, everything is so perfect. nicely done hun :)



  9. Absolutely gorgeous dress and you have styled them perfectly! Looking beautiful! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    we could follow each other on Bloglovin?!

    xoxo Oana :)


  10. okay, your dress is absolutely beautiful! loving all of the poses! especially twirling the dress! :)
    and congrats on your 100th post!
    xo TJ

  11. oh! so in love with this dress!

  12. Gyönyörű vagy!!!!! A frizurád is nagyon különleges. Valóban teli találat volt az a ruha. Emlékezetes nap marad az bíztos.

  13. beautiful dress and photos:)


  14. I totally understand you! It is worth making every moment as memorable as you can make it to be, nevertheless the criticism you may get. I have ben called spoiled also because I kinda exaggerate things and just think differently.
    Your dress is really beautiful! Love that it is long and champagne like. Also the red hair complements everything!
    I have my graduation in like a week and I can't wait!
    This really is a special post. (:

    xx Brigita

  15. That dress is beautiful. Love the detail!

    Love your blog!

    Check mine out here!

  16. Oh what an elegant dress!
    Going in a limo is definitely not strange around here, but I'm glad you did - it's totally glam!
    hope you had a night to remember.
    Chic on the Cheap




  18. Congratulations and you look stunning! These photos of you are beautiful, and these will be something you can look back on in 20 years and be so proud of.

    <3 Jenny

  19. wow you look like a princess! this dress is stunning!

  20. Ulala that dress is simply gorgeous! You look great in it and I hope you had a great night! :D Proms are so special and magical :D
