{ Instagram }
I won't name this post Instalife or Insta-related anything because some people just think they own the name because maybe they have thought of it sooner than others, so I'll just name this Instagram - a name no one can say I stole. With that said, here are my fave photos from Instagram! I planned to take some photos today, but I was so tired from the Student's Conference and the party after it, that I just decided to leave it for another time.
These photos represent us so much, we are addicted to Instagram and we just like to post about food, including desserts, silly photos with Elle magazines just to make it more fashionable, our shopping and blogging adventures and of course we love to post photos of us, and let's not forget about the (in)famous selfies.
For more photos you can follow us @kavasisisters
PS: If you are from Romania, don't forget to mark your calendars:

Have an amazing week!
Saci & Kinga
you girls are so great! <3
Doua fete frumoase! Superbe pozele !
RăspundețiȘtergereNice pics :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI really like your Instagram Account :)
Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
Instagram // Faceboook
Cute photos!!
Great pictures, girls! Especially the food ones, omg, those plates look delicious!! Oh, and I love the make-up supply <3
RăspundețiȘtergerelovely photos
RăspundețiȘtergerecate bunatati <3 foarte frumoase pozele
RăspundețiȘtergerepupici :*
So many fun photos! Made me hungry lol!!
Nice pics, the first ones made me hungry!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereciao :)
Haha, cine zice ca ati furat numele postului? Doamne ce amuzant! :)) Either way, delicious pics.
Da, am vazut si eu ca unele persoane se trezesc ca au descoperit ele nu stiu ce denumire....
RăspundețiȘtergereCe poti sa zici, decat ca sunt stupide? In strainatate au Instagram de ani de zile, de cand a aparut si au avut postari de genul asta si nu mai acuza nimeni pe nimeni ca folosesc nu stiu ce denumire.
Anyway, sunt foarte frumoase pozele voastre, imi plac mult!
wow amazing <3
Lovely spring photos!
RăspundețiȘtergereI start my wedding project with wedding agencies, read my new post
Wow this looks amazing.
Mmmm so many good things. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereWow, these meals look delicious. I will have to try to recreate these dishes.