
{ Travel diary: Paris }



     Last week we were in Paris, and lucky for us, we got back on Friday, just before the attack started. We are still in shock, and we feel really lucky. After we arrived home and ate something, we instantly fell asleep because we were so tired. I accidentaly left my phone near my pillow, so when lots of people started writing on Facebook I woke up. I was so tired, I just stared at my phone and didn't understand a word. "Did you arrive home?" "Tell me please you are not still in Paris!" "Are you OK?!" "Be safe!!". I mumbled to my mum that something terrible must have happened in Paris cuz loads of people are concearned. She turned on the TV to CNN and boom. We instantly woke up and couldn't go to sleep. It all started with 57 kills and like in a second: 129 victims. We couldn't really sleep that night. It is terrible that we live in a world like this... #prayforparis! 
     And yes, I changed my Facebook profile picture with a france flag effect. I know that nothing will change, but that is not the point. I don't feel two-faced as some of my friends say, I didn't do it because I follow a trend. I did it because I feel this attack is not just an attack on Paris, it's an attack on everyone. It's a clear message that you can never feel safe anywhere. It's somehow like mourning. Do people who mourn wear black becase they are two faced? And because they follow the trend of mourning? That sounds so stupid. No. It's because they want to remember that special someone, they want some time for themselves to recover. Of course most of us don't know the people who were killed on Friday. But I still feel like it took a little peace from me. So why not change my profile pic and show the world that I do care?! You people who think that changing a profile picture is two-faced are kind of pathetic. I know many of you wont ever read this that is why I am saying it out loud. You are narrow-minded. 

     Anyway. I felt like I had to start like this because I kind of feel wierd posting these photos after what happened. But we took loads of great photos, so why not show them to you? We decided to put together the first and last day because they were just half-days. We arrived kind of late and came back early that is why we just posted the photos together. Plus, both days we visited the Sacre Coeur. We lived on the boulevard de Rochechouart, so we had a great view of the Sacre Coeur. Because we arrived late, we decided to visit the near-by places, such as the basilica, the Moulin Rouge and the Galeries Lafayette. We couldn't find the latest one but I will tell you our journey, cuz it's kind of funny how we got there finally. Paris is just simply amazing! It has to be my second fave place!! (after London of course). Just walking on the tiny streets, seeing handsome people with baguette in their hands. Anywhere you go, all you can see is pretty places, corner cafes and happy people. The athmosphere is indescribable. 

Stay tuned for the other days as well!! :)

Have you ever been in Paris? What did you like?
Saci & Kinga

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  1. beautiful photos!I really wanted to visit that place!great post!

    keep in touch!

  2. Pontosan egy hettel a terorista tamadasok elott volt a baratnom is Parizsba. Orulok, hogy ti is itthon voltatok. Amugy a kepek alom szepek!

  3. The photos are so amazing! I wished for so long to go to Paris too, but right now..I am crushed with everything that happened :(
    Glad you girls left right on time.
    Take care!


  4. Such breathtaking pictures, I love all. Thank God both you just on time left Paris. I have been to paris once, beautiful city to see. Unfortunately happened terrible things, anyway thank you for sharing!!!



  5. Wonderful photos and thank you for showing your support not just for Paris but for everyone. Our world is crying out for help, yet we seem to continue hurting one another. It has to stop.


  6. Paris is such a gorgeous place. I really want to go there one day. For now I'm dreaming of a world full of piece. Glad you got home safe!


  7. Wow, fotografiile sunt splendide...orasul asta e magnific, vreau de multa vreme sa-l vizitez, dar acum cu toate atacurile recente mi-e si frica sa ies din Cluj!
    Puteti sa-mi spune-ti unde ati fost cazate? La hotel sau la cineva apropiat?
    Intreb pt ca am nevoie de o referinta (gen locatie /pret) pentru viitor cand voi dori sa-mi caut cazare pe acolo ( e atat de vast orasul incat nu stiu de unde sa incep si in ce sa am incredere)

    Multumesc :)

  8. Comentariul de mai sus e de la Anaivilo, The Wonder Fashion :)
    Am uitat sa ma loghez cum trebuie

    1. mersi de comentariu!! :) noi am stat in Le Regent Hostel, care e chiar in fata Sacre Coeur-ului. Am lasat chiar pe ultima suta de metri cazarea, asa ca numai asta a mai ramas sa fie mai acceptabil la pret si sa nu fie prea departe de centru orasului. Oriunde mergem noi facem rezervare pe booking.com, e usor sa gasesti acolo orice, apartamente, hotele si hostele, Vroiam sa stam intr-un apartament ca eram 5 persoane dar e foarte naspa ca trebuie sa platesti la aproape fiecare bani de siguranta, cea ce primesti inapoi numai ultima zi sau chiar dupa. La cele mai multe era de vreo 400-500 de euro, si noua nu ne-a convenit. I wanna spend my money in Paris si nu acasa :))) Anyway, hostelul asta era ok, dar din poze ne-am asteptat la mai mult... Locatie e foarte buna, cu o priveliste splendida, si o atmosfera foarte tinereasca si faina. Muzica buna si etc. Noi am stat intr-o camera cu pat dublu, iar cele trei prietene intr-o camera cu trei paturi. Nu arata nimic ca si in poze... Camera e foarte mica, si nu e prea frumoasa... Si noi am platit si pt mic dejun, si niiimeni nu s-a uitat ca am platit sau nu, si era si naspa. Numai croissant, baguette si paine.. cu unt sau gem... In fiecare dimineata am mancat paine cu unt si sare :))) Deci clar nu merita sa cumperi mic dejun... Dar suntem per total multumite ca stim ce preturi piperate exista prin Paris... Pt o camera cu pat dublu eu si Kinga am platit in jur de 320 de euro pe 4 nopti, deci vine cam 80 de euro pe noapte... sa fiu sincera pt atati bani sau mai putin am stat in Cluj la Hilton.. dar este Paris, totul e super scump.... Poate daca incepi mai repede sa iti planifici cazarea gasesti ceva mai conveniabil! :)

    2. am uitat sa iti pun linkul: http://www.booking.com/hotel/fr/hotelleregentmontmartre.ro.html?label=gen173nr-15CAEoggJCAlhYSDNiBW5vcmVmaMABiAEBmAEguAEEyAEE2AED6AEB;sid=229094d82f7fa989df690ac84a4d5604;dcid=1;dist=0;group_adults=2;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;srfid=3e9cc7369d2ea569db0ab703b44ea646dc17b1ffX1;type=total;ucfs=1&

  9. Nice `photos!

  10. Nice support for Paris, there is gorgeous images and its such a beautiful places that I cant wait to visit!

  11. Paris is beautiful, but we should pray not only for paris but also for other cities we are bombing everyday even with French government

  12. Yes yes yes! Have been there often and this year two times and i love Paris in summer-time, in the spring, in fall and in winter. "Paris is always a good idea" is so so true. City of Lights and Love!

  13. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  14. All these pictures are very beautiful. Paris is my favorite place. I often there whenever I am on vacations. Now it's time to avail derma rollers for more information.
