
Favorite lipwear



     We posted in April a post entitled "What's in my make up bag" and we were so happy to see that you are really interested in different posts as well. Actually, that post made it to our top10 posts of all time, so we decided to post more frequently about make up/cosmetics. Hope you will like them as much as we will and if you are interested in something, drop us a line! 
     We already have in mind what to post next, BUT let's talk about this particular one. I (Saci) always receive compliments when wearing these 4 lipsticks/gloss and they are my ultimate fave ones that we have (and we have some). Unfortunately, I don't have photos with the Cream Puff, but promise to take some! And of course when these lovely flowers grow in front of our flat, we just have to collect some and take a lot of different photos with them!

Max Factor Colour Elixir Lipstick Ruby Tuesday (715)

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I received this lipstick from a friend of mine and I was so shocked to see that she found the perfect red lipstick for my skin color. I can wear it almost anywhere, with a pair of jeans and leather jacket, or something more special/dressy. Of course now in summertime I won't wear a leather jacket, but I just bought a lovely beige lace dress, I am pretty sure it will look amazing with it! I also love this color because somehow it gives me a different vibe, I feel more confident, more feminine but the sophisticated kind of feminine, haha! 

Maybelline Color Sensational Atomic Pink (190)

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This one I received from my sister (yes, I never buy my cosmetics but now I started to be more interested in this so hope from now on I can find my own products, haha) for my birthday and it was love at first time. What I really love about it is the texture, it is so smoothing, and moisturising just like a lip balm! I apply it and it stays for more than 5-6 hours! Plus the color is to die for, don't you think? Somehow, I can only imagine this lipstick with more special outfits, because I feel it enhances the special look! Literally, the cherry on top!

Rimmel London Lasting Finish Lipstick One of a Kind (080)

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I think you can see that this is one of my oldest and most used lipstick. And yes, you guessed it right, my sister bought it but it turned out to look better with my skin tone. And because I start to run out of it, she decided to buy me a similar one from Astor but a bit darker and that looked so bad on me!!! So yes, I was lucky the first time, now I have to go out and explore the world of make up! Anyway, you can see that I like to wear this color to almost any look, casual to more dressy dressy. It is just perfect, the color, the texture, everything! For me I think besides the fact that it has to match my skin tone, it also has to be of great quality, and because I have pretty dry lips, it has to be really moisturising.

Collection Cream Puff Lip Cream Fairy Cake 3 


I have no photos with this one, but I already received great feedback when wearing it. I love it because even though it is not shimmery like most of the lipglosses, it is really creamy and once again moisturising! Its color great, texture really interesting so I just cannot wait to go back to England to buy myself this in like every possible color!! Haha!

What do you look at when choosing a lipstick?

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  1. Great post dear!!!

  2. Hello dear! I love all three products on you, while I haven't found my personal favourite yet. I like lipglosses because when I wear lipsticks I'm always afraid to smudge it after ten minutes!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  3. Imi place la nebunie culoarea celui de la Maybelline!!! Eu sunt mare fan al rujurilor NYX pentru ca sunt foarte pigmentate, cremoase si foarte ieftine :)) :*:*


  4. I love the purple shade so pretty,im not a big fan of lipstick but sometimes i love using red one from avon x

  5. I really like the max factor ruby Tuesday on you
    I am inviting you to enter my 50 euro Divissima giveaway
    Keep in touch

  6. nice post


  7. Great post! Nice colours!


  8. Love the purple one on you!
