
{ HotSpot Fashion }


{ Saci: Orsay dress, Zara (Kurtmann) necklace, Motivi boots & bag
Kinga: H&M top, Orsay vest, Zara boots, pants & bag, Sammydress necklace } 


     If you've been following us on Instagram or Facebook, you might have noticed last week we attended HotSpot Fashion event in Cluj. We were invited some time ago, and the first thing that popped into our head was: how can such a great event be held on Thursday? Don't people work on Thursday? Well, it seems fashion fanatics don't, hehe. We had to skip University that day, well, at least Kinga. I on the other hand woke up super early to do my make up, went to the Hospital for Morphopathology class, got home, still had some curling to do (I spent two hours doing it at night) and at 11 we were on our way! It was such a hectic and exhausting day, but totally worth it.
       First, let us talk to you about our outfits. Kinga found this peplum top on sale in H&M, so it was a must, and because this event was more business, she decided to wear it with a sleeveless vest, perfect for the weather we had that day. I always wear dresses whenever I go to a fancy event, just because I don't really think pants/trousers suit me that well. So if you see me on streets you probably see me wearing jeans, but at an event, I doubt it. I felt a bit too dressy dressy for such an event, I should have went for a more office look, but honestly, noone dressed up properly for it.
     Now, let's talk about some of the things we learned and about the speakers. First up was Andreea Beltic, who started blogging such a long time ago. She drew us a pretty good comparison between blogging in 2010 and now, and how audiences changed during this time. Now she works at a PR Agency, and she talked about how important for different agencies is quality, not only in photography, but in writing, and personality also. She also pointed out the importance of reaching out to PR agencies as fashion bloggers, because most of the times they don't have time to go through the hundreds and thousands of bloggers across Romania. I honestly still have some questions about this, we have no idea how to reach out, what should we include in the email, the style of our writing, what kind of data should we include and so on. But there is time to learn all this, I guess.
     The second speaker was Mirela Bucovicean. She is such a beautiful woman, honestly that is the first thing that caught my eye. She talked about self-branding, and what kind of reach you get on social media compared to TV. I honestly never thought about this, but she is totally right. You can always keep up with your followers via social media, you can have a relation with them, even though it doesn't give you a huge spread. Whereas on TV, a lot of people will hear about you, but they won't interact with you. 
     After a really short break, the next speakers were Ana Sipciu and Colby Hanks. They talked more about numbers and all of the information were ment for shop owners, rather than simple fashion bloggers. Honestly, this was the point when I pulled out my phone and started Instagramming. Not like what they said wasn't interesting, but not helpful for us at all. I really liked Colby's accent though! 
     Next up was a debate. I really liked this idea, it was more interesting and interacting. The host, Liana Martin asked questions from Alina Ceusan and Andreea Beltic. I already told you about Andreea, I really liked her personality, she also talked about her cooperation with Alina.  Even though Alina is a really well-known (even notorious) blogger, I learned some things from her. I honestly didn't think I could, since she is not at all a person I look up to, I think she has totally different values in life than I have. But I learned that in order to be remarked and be noticed, you have to be different. 
     After this debate we left, because we were really tired. We met up with our mum in Iulius Mall, where we had a great dinner. Salad box is our new obsession, who said salads are boring, never visited a salad house!! And of course we couldn't leave Cluj without going to Starbucks!!!

Have an amazing week!
Saci & Kinga

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  1. nice boots!



  2. Wow this girls are so beautiful I love the curly hair of Saci and the stunning dress <3 and Kinga love it your bag so bad! Kisses dolls.


  3. I love both hairstyles! And the bag and boots are amazing!

  4. Ati fost asa frumoase, nu stiu ce tinuta imi place mai mult, ambele sunt extrem de frumoase! Totusi, trebuie sa spun ca imi pare suuuuper cool in ultima poza, cu paltonasul roz si adidasii, you rock, girl!!

    Am citit cu mare atentie tot ce ati scris, cred ca a fost interesant dar la toate intalnirile de genul la care am fost am auzit aceleasi lucruri: sa ai continut calitativ, sa fii diferit, etc. Numai ca la noi diferit nu inseamna neaparat ceva bun si in ceea ce priveste textul, majoritatea oamenilor prefera lucruri siropoase si de multe ori, compuneri de clasa a-4. Acum m-am referit la majoritatea populatiei si mai ales, la cei care urmaresc blogurile de moda.
    In fine. Vreau si eu sa incerc salad box, arata delicios. Daca mai vin prin Cluj si planuiesc sa vin prin primavara, va anunt sa ne intalnim <3

    1. Totusi, trebuie sa spun ca Saci pare suuuuper cool in ultima poza, cu paltonasul roz si adidasii, you rock, girl!! * *

  5. hehe, mersiii! :D dadaa sa ne zici daca vii!! nu cred ca noi vom veni la Bucuresti, anul acesta in nici un caz :( Da, ai dreptate, sa fii diferit nu inseamna intotdeauna ceva bun... si nici mie nu imi place deloooooc compunerile stil: simt mirosul alintator a ... :))) get over it :)) dar e bine sa fii amintit ca sunt enspemiii de bloguri, si chiar e important sa faci ceva mai unique, ceva mai special. Chiar daca e cam imposibil cate o data :) te puuup si sper sa ne intalniiim cat mai repede :D abia astept sa facem si noi postari impreuna nu numai tu cu Cris si Dorina :)) hehe, dar ar fi siii mai super daca am facem toate 5 <3

    1. OMG!!! Toate 5!!! Ar fi super, super tare. Am fi un fel de Sex and the City! <3 O sedinta foto inedita!
      Noi am fi vrut sa venim la Cluj pe la sfarsitul verii, dar a intervenit altceva :(
      Si noi ne-am dori sa ne mai intalnim! <3
      Eu nu inteleg ce inseamna acel diferit. Toate suntem diferite si totusi nu poti spune ca vor o multime de companii si agentii sa lucreze cu noi.
      Diferit se refera la a fi cat mai sumar imbracat? Ca vad ca sunt o gramada de bloguri asa lately. Si cum zicea si Julie, textul e o compunere de clasa a IV-a si aia cu o multime de erori si pozele cu tinute sumare si gata, ai succes peste noapte. Daca te mai si "tunezi", esti deja vedeta :))
      In fine, trecem peste. Eu nu am nimic cu ele, dar ma irita cand sunt date drept exemple astfel de bloguri si nu bloguri care chiar au ceva de aratat (in sensul bun ala cuvantului, nu in sensul de goliciune :))))
      Sunt cateva bloguri de fashion foarte calitative in Romania (pe care le stiu eu, ca or fi mai multe) si nu le baga nimeni in seama. Mi se pare frustrant......
      Acum ca mi-am varsta oful, sa vorbim si despre tinute :))))
      Ati fost superbe amandoua. Saci, iti stau super buclele si tu Kinga esti foarte draguta <3
      Saci, sa stii ca asa sunt si eu: mereu la evenimente imi iau fusta sau rochie :))))
      Va pup! :*

  6. the black dress look super pretty paired with burgundy accessories
    , u look fab all decked up for the event :)

  7. The oblood bag and boots are gorg!


  8. Love you style! Great
    Paola http://www.sissiworld.net/

  9. Both outfits are amazing! You look very pretty! I'm sure that it would be a fantastic experience! :)

    Lucia Gallego Blog
    Lucia Gallego Blog Facebook

  10. Looking so glamorous, the both of you! :D


  11. That black textured dress is adorable and super feminine! …and how about that edgy look with the leggings against the yellow top? Both look s are amazing!
    Red Reticule

  12. You both look stunning!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Check out my blog and facebook page:
    Instagram: Wajiha_Shakeel_Ahmed

  13. You both look classy and elegant girls! I love your outfits! Gorgeous!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  14. You guys look super fabulous! That red hair too.... love it!

    xo Carlina

  15. you both look top class! sounds like a long and fantastic day you`ve had!

  16. I love the dress, is so beautiful!

  17. What nice looks, love the black dress!

    Autumn vibes on lb-lc fashion blog

  18. you both look so fab. Have a fun-filled Friday!

    Ps: I followed you on GFC and BLOGLOVIN. I hope you can follow me too! (if you haven't yet)


  19. You both look so beautiful, the dress is divine! Awesome backdrop.
    kisses girls

  20. you both look are amazing! :)


  21. Amazing photos! You girls look great <3


  22. you both look so pretty I love the material of the black dress, and the black jacket is very cool!

  23. Ma bucur mult ca ne-am intalnit dar imi pare nespus de rau ca nu am facut o poza impreuna. Nu stiu, zau, cum am ratat asta. Cred ca eram prea absorbite de tot ce se intampla acolo. Va pup si sper sa ne revedem curand :)


  24. I love the Outfits xx

